Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 14

Today I was reminded how great the public Library is. It was pouring rain and the boys had ants in their pants and so we put new pants on and went to story time at the library.  We ran into 4 families that we are friends with and checked out about 35 books and came home to have a reading jamboree.  3 out of the 4 families we saw we became friends with through going to the library so much.  We are there between 2 and 4 times a week usually.

I think it was Alexander Grahm Bell who championed the library idea in this country after Benjamin Franklin.  If I'm wrong on that someone please tell me.. But the idea that you get a big building that holds all of the town's books and that as long as you live in the town you can go there and borrow as many of the books as you want and that they hire someone to take care of the books and organize the books and help people find the right book they are looking for sounds to me like a fairy tale.

My high school "supervisor" said that her goal for my education was that I would become a life long learner.  As much as I got sick of hearing those words then, I hold on to them now.  If as a teacher I can inspire a student, be it my child or some one elses, to continue learning I believe I have done my job.  So if you aren't hooked on the library, check it out, (no pun intended) and see if you are not pleasantly surprised.  And then remember to be thankful for it. :)

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