Friday, August 12, 2011

Number 22

So we are now at entry numbers instead of days cause I am so behind.  I am thankful that I can make up whatever rules I want cause it is my game.  :)  Not really... I mean yes, really, but that is not number 22.
I would say that I am thankful for the freedom to struggle.
A friend of mine has a prayer that he likes to say that goes, "I believe, help my unbelief."  That is where I have been lately.  I know what I believe, but I am still skeptical and still hesitant and still cynical.  That is why I need to document the gratitude.  Gratitude combats all that.  It makes the blessing real and acknowledged.  I am facing many of my looming inadequacies and I want to run and hide, but the challenge is waring them down and strapping power from them before they do it to you.  I'm not sure how that happens, but I do believe that gratitude has something to do with it.  I'll let you know when I have it all figured out.  But don't hold your breath, cause I'm pretty sure the other piece of it is that it takes a long time and that it is the point of the time.

1 comment:

  1. "... facing many of my looming inadequacies".

    Awesome phrasing. I relate to this.
