Thursday, March 12, 2009

fish spelled backwards

So my mom is a bit of a spelling and grammar nut. More formally a linguist, but she's too goofy for that title, so I prefer to call her an enthusiast. She gets super annoyed at things like evolving language and I bet if you asked her what Ebonics was she wouldn't know. In any case she and I have this game that we don't really have a name for, but we will periodically pick a word and find another word that sounds like it could be the original word spelled backwards, but it totally isn't. For instance:

Early is Lorrie spelled backwards. It isn't. But it sounds similar enough that we think it is funny cause it is confusing nonsense.

Sound is Dunce spelled backwards.

School is locks spelled backwards.

So I was reading this kids book this past week and one of the lines said, " a fish said hush in the water."

I really liked the way those words sound together. SO I decided that fish is hush spelled backwards.

I wish I could come up with better examples cause it is a very fun game if you're tired and with my mom. Maybe it is just funny making my mom think hard when she is tired.

yard is draw spelled backwards.
light bulb is tight lobe spelled backwards.
dresser is yesterday spelled backwards.
dumb is nub spelled backwards.
inertia is nasturtium spelled backwards.

Think about it.

1 comment:

  1. IIIIIIIIIIIII ssssssssssssssssiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmm


    been thinking of you so much these days, lets get together!!
