Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm not counting anymore.

I'm not counting anymore.  I probably should be, but I'm not cause I'm working on be-ing.  He-he-he. Anyway I thought you might enjoy the interchange in the car on the way home from church yesterday between Eli and myself.  It is paraphrased here but still VERY close to the real thing.  Slightly shortened cause I can't write as fast as he can talk. Enjoy.  I hope your thankful for it, cause I know I am.

“Can I go shoot guns with Uncle Ronnie and shoot a deer and cut off it’s head to put on the wall in the living room?  
“No.  You’re not old enough.  Why would you want to cut off a deer’s head? Then the deer would be dead.”
“OK.  I’ll just cut off the pokey parts.. what is that called on top of it’s head?”
“Ya, Antelers.”
“Wouldn’t that make you sad to think of a dead deer every time you were in the living room?”
“OK. Can I shoot a bird with Uncle Ronnie and cut off it’s head to hang on the wall in the living room?”
“No.  You’re not old enough. Why would you want a dead bird in your living room?  That is disgusting.”
“I just want it in my heart mamma.”
"Can I save my money in my piggy bank to buy a squad car when I am 18?"
"Yes.  I think that would be a great thing to save your money for."
"It will have a gun on it and then I can go in the mountains and shoot birds and deers and monsters in my squad car with the gun."
-Eli age 4
-Mama age 31

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