Thursday, July 17, 2008

Creativity Abounds

So I've been lamenting my lack of interest and motivation for painting right now and I'm finding myself making excuses about why I'm not doing it. I'm too tired, I'm not emotionally astute, I'm not focused enough, my time is spent doing other things... etc. I think when it comes down to it though, I'm scared of making something stupid and ugly. Not even so much the ugly, just nothing insightful. So there is that. I am however puting my creative impulse to work elsewhere these days. I just finished a new bag for myself last night, cause I've been carrying around the same purse since my 20th birthday. I decided it was time. There is an Amy Butler pattern that I like and am totally unwilling to spend $14 for when I can figure it out myself. So I made this one up and it is pretty close...

I used the left-over fabric that I had gotten to recover my Rotary Auction dining room chairs and am pretty excited about it. It has two secret inside pockets too.

I also have been trying to figure out where we are going to put this new baby when it shows up and am trying to eliminate stuff and economize space. So I rigged up some shelves in the laundry room where I had had a favorite painting and am going to use this as a "linnen closet" instead of the dresser in our bedroom. That should make room for a basinet of some sort. (I'm thinking I'll use the antique pram I found on the side of the road) (It sounds bad, but it really isn't.) Anyway I think Josh will probably freak out about the "ghetto" shelves, but I think they're sort of clever. Since he has forbidden cinder-block furniture (one of my pre-marital staples) I used matching file baskets and various odd drawers instead. He's still going to freak out, but it is putting the funk in functional. So there you have it, no masterpieces to be written about in years to come, but a little outlet for my creative urges.

1 comment:

  1. I've been instructed to correct my assumptions and set the record straight that Josh does in fact like the shelves. My appologies.
