Hey so moving this weekend huh? Ya really fun and great. I watched (due to apathy and exhaustion last night) "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?" And thankfully yes, I am. The contestant however was really pushing the limits. His shining moment was when he identified the outline of the state of Nebraska and was positive that he was right cause that is where he grew up or something. (The answer is in the question if you ask me...) So we are off to the island lifestyle and if I didn't manage to get you our new info leave your request in the comment section and I'll send you an email. My email address and such is staying the same, so that is a good way to get a hold of us too. We will really miss being in Seattle and strangely enough it feels more like home than returning to my roots does at this point. Lots to think about and process. More on that later. Better go... Josh is on auto pilot and taping up the box Eli is sitting in. Not really. ...
How did it go?? Any injuries? Sorry we couldn't help, for real.