These days I have great intentions of getting up to the studio to work during nap time, but rarely does it pan out. I have however been taking lots of photos of you know who and although it could be trite because he is my son, I kindof think alot of people make photography into a real viable art career. It is not really what I'm thinking of doing, but it pacifies my frustration as a creative outlet for the time. I am including these photos as "portraits" and not just pictures of my baby. Some people say portraiture is dead, but I guess I have always been drawn to it, and right now I am just using a different medium. Let me know what you think and perhaps what you would like to see more of. I'm intending to start painting again because I haven't done a straight painting in a long time, and I am stuck with the boxes for the moment. I always love feedback, so throw it out there if you have any.