So for those of you who don't know team
Brouwer is relocating to
Bainbridge Island at the end of April. We will be moving into my parent's basement apartment and hopefully saving a
fistful of money to buy a house in
approximately a year. I like to look at it in a few different ways depending on my mood.
One way to look at it is that it is very normal in probably 90% of the rest of the world to live with your parents or extended family and so our move will be very European.
Another way of looking at it is that we're taking an extended "retreat" at an Island getaway that happens to be considerably less expensive than our current living situation.
But today I've been feeling a bit like a potted plant. I seem to move from doorstep to doorstep and windowsill to windowsill never really putting roots in the ground. I've stayed in Seattle long enough for my pot to grow some moss on the edges, but inside that safe little pot my roots are growing more and more cramped. They are curling and twisting back on themselves and I'm not sure how much more transition this little pot can take.
God called his people Hebrews. The word Hebrew means wanderer. Jesus was homeless. If it is good enough for Jesus it should be good enough for me. God's chosen people complained a lot too. So I've got the wandering and complaining down. Maybe I need some mulch. I'm mixing my
metaphors. Yikes. I'm excited for change and scared for change. I told my friend Cindi today that I'm on strike with God and that negotiations aren't going well. She said that God has a lot of grace for new mothers. Let's hope so. I am
beginning to just write whatever is going through my head. I'm not sure it matters, cause I don't think anyone really reads this. So if you are reading this help us fight
spammers and retype the characters you see here..... just
jokin'. I can't think of a witty way to bring it all together. So that is why I'm a painter and not a writer. That's it.